Passive Voice: Grasp the rules and usage of the passive voice to create well-structured and diverse sentences.
The passive voice is a widely used construction in Dutch that can be useful for a variety of reasons, including shifting the focus of a sentence, being more tactful, or simply adding variety to your writing. In this guide, we will explore the rules and usage of the passive voice in Dutch.
What is the passive voice?
The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence receives the action of the verb, rather than performing the action itself. It emphasizes the recipient or receiver of the action, rather than the doer.
In English, the passive voice is often formed by using the auxiliary verb "to be" plus the past participle of the main verb. However, in Dutch, the passive voice is formed by using the auxiliary verb "worden" plus the past participle of the main verb.
When to use the passive voice?
The passive voice can be used in the following situations:
When the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant:
- "De auto werd gestolen." (The car was stolen.)
- "De fouten worden gemaakt." (Mistakes are made.)
When the recipient or receiver of the action is more important:
- "Het cadeau werd mij gegeven." (The gift was given to me.)
- "De brief werd naar haar gestuurd." (The letter was sent to her.)
When you want to shift the focus of the sentence:
- "De taart werd door haar gebakken." (The cake was baked by her.)
- "Het huis wordt door hen gerenoveerd." (The house is being renovated by them.)
When you want to be more tactful or less direct:
- "Je wordt verwacht om op tijd te komen." (You are expected to arrive on time.)
- "Er wordt gezegd dat het slecht weer wordt." (It is said that the weather will be bad.)
How to form the passive voice?
To form the passive voice in Dutch, follow these steps:
Identify the main verb in the active sentence.
- "Paul repareert de fiets." (Paul fixes the bike.)
Determine the correct form of the auxiliary verb "worden" based on the subject of the active sentence.
- "Paul wordt..." (Paul is being...)
Convert the main verb into its past participle form.
- "...gerepareerd." (...repaired.)
Combine the auxiliary verb "worden" and the past participle to form the passive verb phrase.
- "Paul wordt gerepareerd." (Paul is being repaired.)
Tips for using the passive voice correctly:
- Make sure to use the correct auxiliary verb "worden" and conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence.
- Pay attention to the word order in Dutch. In the passive voice, the subject (if mentioned) usually comes after the verb.
- Be mindful of the verb conjugation and the past participle form of the main verb.
Practice using the passive voice:
To become more comfortable with using the passive voice, try rewriting the following active sentences into the passive voice:
- "De docent legt de lesstof uit." (The teacher explains the lesson material.)
- "Ze organiseert het feestje." (She organizes the party.)
- "Hij lost het probleem op." (He solves the problem.)
Rewritten in the passive voice, the sentences would be:
- "De lesstof wordt door de docent uitgelegd."
- "Het feestje wordt door haar georganiseerd."
- "Het probleem wordt door hem opgelost."
Remember to practice regularly to reinforce your understanding and usage of the passive voice in Dutch.
Congratulations! You have successfully grasped the rules and usage of the passive voice in Dutch. By incorporating the passive voice into your writing, you will be able to create well-structured and diverse sentences. Keep practicing and exploring new ways to use the passive voice effectively.