Prepositions of Place: Learn how to use prepositions of place accurately to describe locations

In Dutch, prepositions of place are used to describe the position or location of someone or something. These prepositions help us answer the question, "Where?" They indicate relationships between objects, people, and places.

In this guide, we will cover the essential prepositions of place in Dutch and how to use them accurately.

1. Basic Prepositions of Place

Here are the basic prepositions of place in Dutch:

  • In: Used to indicate that something or someone is inside a specific location.

    • Example: "The book is in the shelf." (Het boek staat in de kast.)
  • Op: Used to indicate that something or someone is on a specific surface or object.

    • Example: "The laptop is on the table." (De laptop ligt op de tafel.)
  • Onder: Used to indicate that something or someone is under a specific object.

    • Example: "The cat is under the chair." (De kat zit onder de stoel.)
  • Achter: Used to indicate that something or someone is behind another object or person.

    • Example: "The car is behind the building." (De auto staat achter het gebouw.)
  • Voor: Used to indicate that something or someone is in front of another object or person.

    • Example: "The bus is in front of the house." (De bus staat voor het huis.)
  • Naast: Used to indicate that something or someone is next to another object or person.

    • Example: "The park is next to the school." (Het park is naast de school.)

2. Compound Prepositions of Place

Dutch also has compound prepositions of place that combine prepositions with certain words to create specific meanings:

  • Bovenop: Combines "boven" (above) and "op" (on).

    • Example: "The bird is on top of the tree." (De vogel zit bovenop de boom.)
  • Tussenin: Combines "tussen" (between) and "in" (in).

    • Example: "The keys are in between the cushions." (De sleutels zitten tussenin de kussens.)
  • Binnenin: Combines "binnen" (inside) and "in" (in).

    • Example: "The surprise is inside of the box." (De verrassing zit binnenin de doos.)
  • Binnen achter: Combines "binnen" (inside) and "achter" (behind).

    • Example: "The cat is hiding inside behind the curtain." (De kat verstopt zich binnen achter het gordijn.)

3. Using Prepositions of Place in Sentences

To use prepositions of place accurately, remember the following:

  • The preposition usually comes before the noun or pronoun that it relates to.
  • Pay attention to the word order in Dutch sentences.

Example sentences:

  • "The key is under the mat." (De sleutel ligt onder de mat.)
  • "I am in the park." (Ik ben in het park.)
  • "The book is between the two candles." (Het boek staat tussen de twee kaarsen.)


Prepositions of place are essential for accurately describing locations in Dutch. By understanding and practicing the use of prepositions, you will be able to provide clear descriptions of where objects, people, or places are located.

Keep practicing and using prepositions in your daily conversations to strengthen your understanding and proficiency in Dutch. Happy learning!

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