Discourse and Linking Phrases: Assimilate various linking phrases into your readings and writings to improve the flow of your discourse.

In order to improve the flow and coherence of your Dutch writing and speaking, it is essential to understand and utilize linking phrases. Linking phrases help to create logical connections between different parts of your discourse, allowing for smoother transitions and clearer communication.

1. Adding Information:

When you want to introduce additional information, use these phrases:

  • daarnaast - moreover
  • bovendien - furthermore
  • ook - also
  • daarbij - in addition
  • verder - moreover


  • Ik houd van sport. Daarnaast lees ik graag boeken.


  • I enjoy sports. Moreover, I also love reading books.

2. Contrasting Ideas:

To introduce a contrasting idea or provide an alternative viewpoint, consider using these phrases:

  • maar - but
  • echter - however
  • toch - still/yet
  • daarentegen - on the other hand
  • integendeel - on the contrary


  • Hij is slim, maar lui.


  • He is smart, but lazy.

3. Giving Examples:

When you want to provide examples to support or illustrate your point, use these phrases:

  • bijvoorbeeld - for example
  • zo - such as
  • ter illustratie - by way of illustration
  • neem nou - take for example


  • Er zijn veel sporten, bijvoorbeeld voetbal, tennis en basketbal.


  • There are many sports, for example soccer, tennis, and basketball.

4. Sequencing Ideas:

When discussing a sequence of events or ideas, these phrases can be helpful:

  • ten eerste - firstly
  • ten tweede - secondly
  • vervolgens - next
  • daarna - then
  • ten slotte - finally


  • Ten eerste doe je de boodschappen, vervolgens kook je het avondeten, en ten slotte eet je het op.


  • Firstly, you do the groceries, then you cook dinner, and finally you eat it.

5. Concluding:

To wrap up your thoughts or conclude a discussion, consider using these phrases:

  • kortom - in short
  • concluderend - in conclusion
  • alles bij elkaar genomen - all things considered
  • samenvattend - to summarize
  • tot slot - finally


  • Samenvattend kunnen we stellen dat het belangrijk is om regelmatig te sporten.


  • To summarize, we can state that it's important to exercise regularly.

Remember, using linking phrases appropriately can greatly enhance the coherence and flow of your Dutch discourse. Practice incorporating these phrases into your writing and speaking to improve your language skills and express your ideas more effectively.

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