Understanding Dutch Prepositions

In Dutch, prepositions play a crucial role in indicating the relationship between different elements in a sentence, such as time, place, and movement. Understanding Dutch prepositions will help you convey more specific and accurate information in your conversations. In this guide, we will explore the main usage and rules of Dutch prepositions.

Common Dutch Prepositions

Let's begin by familiarizing ourselves with some of the most frequently used Dutch prepositions:

  • aan - at, on, to
  • bij - at, with, near
  • in - in, inside
  • op - on, upon, at
  • voor - for, in front of, before
  • achter - behind, after
  • naar - to, towards
  • over - over, about
  • van - of, from
  • uit - out of, from

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, but these are prepositions you will commonly encounter in Dutch.

Prepositions and Cases

Unlike some other languages, Dutch does not have grammatical cases for prepositions. This means that the preposition itself does not change based on the grammatical case of the noun or pronoun it is used with. Instead, the preposition remains constant, and the case is determined by the noun or pronoun that follows it.

For example:

  • aan de universiteit - at the university
  • van mijn vriend - of my friend

In both cases, the preposition "aan" and "van" remains the same, while the article or pronoun "de" and "mijn" changes depending on the case.

Word Order with Prepositions

In Dutch, prepositions are generally placed in front of the noun or pronoun they relate to. This means that the preposition comes before the object it refers to.

For example:

  • Ik ga naar huis. - I am going home.
  • Hij staat op de tafel. - He is standing on the table.
  • Zij heeft een boek in haar hand. - She has a book in her hand.

Prepositions and Verb Combinations

In Dutch, certain verbs are always used in combination with specific prepositions. Memorizing these verb-preposition combinations will help you form more natural and idiomatic sentences.

For example:

  • denken aan - to think of
  • praten over - to talk about
  • wachten op - to wait for

Learning these verb-preposition combinations will significantly enhance your speaking and writing skills.

Tips for Using Dutch Prepositions

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when using Dutch prepositions:

  • Pay attention to phrasal verbs: Dutch has phrasal verbs, which consist of a verb followed by a preposition or adverb. These combinations often have a different meaning than the individual words. For example: opgeven means "to give up," not "to give on."
  • Be aware of preposition collocations: Certain prepositions are often used with specific words, forming collocations. For example: op vakantie gaan - to go on vacation.
  • Practice with preposition exercises: To solidify your understanding of Dutch prepositions, engage in exercises that require you to fill in the correct preposition in sentences. This will help you become more comfortable with their usage.


Understanding Dutch prepositions is essential for expressing time, place, and movement accurately in your sentences. By familiarizing yourself with the common prepositions, verb-preposition combinations, and practicing their usage, you will strengthen your grasp of the Dutch language. Keep practicing and incorporating prepositions into your daily conversations to become a more fluent Dutch speaker.

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