Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs are an important aspect of Dutch grammar as they indicate that the subject of the verb is also the object of the verb. In other words, the action is being performed by the subject on itself.

For example:

  • "Ik was me" (I wash myself)
  • "Hij scheert zich" (He shaves himself)
  • "Wij vergissen ons" (We make a mistake)

Using reflexive verbs correctly will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in Dutch. Let's dive into some of the key concepts and rules associated with reflexive verbs.

When to use reflexive verbs

  1. Actions performed on oneself: Use reflexive verbs when the subject is performing an action on themselves.

    Example: "Ik kleed mij aan." (I get dressed)

  2. Personal care routines: Reflexive verbs are commonly used to describe personal care routines such as washing, brushing, or dressing oneself.

    Example: "Ik was mij" (I wash myself)

  3. Emotions or mental states: Reflexive verbs can also be used to express emotions or mental states that a person experiences on themselves.

    Example: "Ik erger mij aan die situatie." (I am annoyed by that situation)

Forming reflexive verbs

In Dutch, reflexive verbs are formed by adding the reflexive pronoun to the regular conjugated verb. The reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject in terms of person and number. Below are the reflexive pronouns in Dutch:

  • Singular:

    • First person: "mij"
    • Second person: "je/jij/u"
    • Third person: "zich/zichzelf"
  • Plural:

    • First person: "ons"
    • Second person: "jullie"
    • Third person: "zich/zichzelf"

Let's see some examples of how reflexive verbs are formed:

  • "Ik verveel mij" (I am bored)
  • "Jij wast je" (You wash yourself)
  • "Zij schamen zich" (They feel ashamed)

Placement of reflexive pronouns

When using reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun is placed directly before the verb. However, if there is an auxiliary verb present, the reflexive pronoun comes before the auxiliary verb.


  • "Ik heb me gewassen" (I have washed myself)
  • "Hij gaat zich scheren" (He is going to shave himself)

Reflexive verbs in different sentence structures and tenses

Reflexive verbs can be used in a variety of sentence structures and tenses. Here are a few common ones:

  1. Present tense:

    • "Ik was me elke ochtend." (I wash myself every morning)
  2. Past tense:

    • "Hij heeft zich vandaag geschoren." (He shaved himself today)
    • "Wij hebben ons vergist." (We made a mistake)
  3. Imperative:

    • "Kleed je snel aan!" (Get dressed quickly!)
    • "Was je handen!" (Wash your hands!)

Final thoughts

Understanding and correctly using reflexive verbs is essential for mastering Dutch grammar. By applying the principles covered in this guide, you will be able to use reflexive verbs confidently in a variety of contexts and sentence structures.

Keep practicing and incorporating reflexive verbs into your conversations to reinforce your understanding and application of this important grammatical feature. Happy learning!

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