Subjunctive Mood in Dutch

In this guide, we will explore the use of the subjunctive mood in the Dutch language. The subjunctive mood is used to express various states of unreality, such as wishes, desires, doubts, possibilities, and hypothetical situations. Through clear explanations and practical examples, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to use the subjunctive mood effectively in Dutch.

What is the Subjunctive Mood?

The subjunctive mood is a grammatical mood used to express actions, events, or states that are not considered as actual facts or realities. In Dutch, the subjunctive mood is called "de aanvoegende wijs" and is used to convey wishes, commands, doubts, hypothetical situations, and unreal conditions.

Forms of the Subjunctive Mood

In Dutch, the subjunctive mood is formed by using specific verb forms. Here are the forms of the subjunctive mood for regular and irregular verbs:

  1. Regular Verbs:

    • The subjunctive mood is formed by taking the stem of the infinitive verb and adding the appropriate endings:
      • Singular: -e
      • Plural: -en


    • Ik wens dat hij komt (I wish that he comes).
    • We hopen dat ze bellen (We hope that they call).
  2. Irregular Verbs:

    • Irregular verbs in the subjunctive mood have their own unique forms that need to be memorized.


    • Ik wil dat hij zij (I want him to be).
    • We verlangen dat ze kan (We desire that she can).

Usage of the Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood is used in various situations in Dutch. Here are some common uses:

  1. Wishes and Desires:

    • Use the subjunctive mood to express wishes, desires, or hopes.


    • Ik wens dat je gelukkig bent (I wish that you are happy).
    • We hopen dat jullie snel beter worden (We hope that you get well soon).
  2. Doubts and Uncertainties:

    • Use the subjunctive mood to express doubts, uncertainties, or conditions.


    • Ik betwijfel of hij overkomt (I doubt if he will come).
    • Het is mogelijk dat ze verkeerd begrepen heeft (It is possible that she misunderstood).
  3. Hypothetical Situations:

    • Use the subjunctive mood to express hypothetical or unreal situations.


    • Als ik veel geld had, zou ik een wereldreis maken (If I had a lot of money, I would travel the world).
    • Als hij een goede baan vindt, kan hij een huis kopen (If he finds a good job, he can buy a house).

Common Subjunctive Triggers

Certain words and expressions in Dutch often signal the use of the subjunctive mood. Here are some common triggers:

  1. Wishing and Desiring:

    • wensen dat (to wish that)
    • hopen dat (to hope that)
    • verlangen dat (to desire that)


    • Hij hoopt dat ze slaagt (He hopes that she succeeds).
    • Ik wil dat je liefdevol bent (I want you to be loving).
  2. Doubting and Uncertainty:

    • betwijfelen of (to doubt if)
    • twijfelen of (to doubt if)
    • mogelijk (possible)


    • Ik betwijfel of ze op tijd zal zijn (I doubt if she will be on time).
    • Het is mogelijk dat hij gelijk heeft (It is possible that he is right).
  3. Hypothetical Situations:

    • als (if)
    • indien (if)
    • tenzij (unless)


    • Als het regent, blijf ik binnen (If it rains, I will stay indoors).
    • Tenzij je haast hebt, moet je rustig rijden (Unless you're in a hurry, you should drive calmly).


Congratulations! You have learned about the subjunctive mood in Dutch. By understanding how to form and use the subjunctive mood, you will be able to express various states of unreality effectively. Keep practicing and incorporating the subjunctive mood into your Dutch conversations to strengthen your language skills. Happy learning!

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