Understanding Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences are used to express possibilities or hypothetical situations that are dependent on certain conditions. In Dutch, these sentences are formed using specific structures to convey different tenses and levels of certainty. In this guide, you will learn how to apply the correct structures in your sentences when expressing possibilities or hypothetical situations in the present, past, or future.

Types of Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences can be classified into three types, each representing a different level of certainty or likelihood. These types are commonly referred to as "if clauses" in English.

  1. Type 1 Conditional Sentences: These sentences express real or possible situations in the present or future. The condition and the result are both considered to be likely to occur. In Dutch, we use the present tense in the condition clause and the future tense or imperative mood in the result clause.


    • "Als het regent, neem ik een paraplu mee." (If it rains, I will take an umbrella.)
  2. Type 2 Conditional Sentences: These sentences express hypothetical situations in the present or future that are less likely or unlikely to happen. The condition is considered to be contrary to reality. In Dutch, we use the imperfect tense in the condition clause and the imperfect tense or zou + infinitive in the result clause.


    • "Als ik meer tijd had, zou ik graag op vakantie gaan." (If I had more time, I would like to go on vacation.)
  3. Type 3 Conditional Sentences: These sentences express hypothetical situations in the past that did not happen. The condition and the result are considered to be contrary to reality. In Dutch, we use the past perfect tense in the condition clause and the zou + perfect tense in the result clause.


    • "Als ik geweten had dat je zou komen, had ik taart gebakken." (If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.)

Key Grammar Points

To form conditional sentences correctly, pay attention to the following grammar points:

Condition Clause

  1. The condition clause typically starts with the conjunction "als" (if).
  2. Use the appropriate tense or mood in the condition clause based on the type of conditional sentence.
  3. In type 1 conditional sentences, use the present tense.
  4. In type 2 conditional sentences, use the imperfect tense.
  5. In type 3 conditional sentences, use the past perfect tense.

Result Clause

  1. The result clause follows the condition clause and provides the outcome of the condition.
  2. Use the appropriate tense or mood in the result clause based on the type of conditional sentence.
  3. In type 1 conditional sentences, use the future tense or imperative mood.
  4. In type 2 conditional sentences, use the imperfect tense or zou + infinitive.
  5. In type 3 conditional sentences, use zou + perfect tense.

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences to illustrate the formation of conditional sentences in different types:

  1. Type 1:

    • "Als ik tijd heb, kom ik naar het feestje." (If I have time, I will come to the party.)
    • "Als het warm is, ga ik zwemmen." (If it's hot, I will go swimming.)
  2. Type 2:

    • "Als ik geld had, zou ik een nieuwe auto kopen." (If I had money, I would buy a new car.)
    • "Als ik wist waar hij woonde, zou ik hem opzoeken." (If I knew where he lived, I would visit him.)
  3. Type 3:

    • "Als hij naar de film was gegaan, zou hij de acteur hebben ontmoet." (If he had gone to the movie, he would have met the actor.)
    • "Als ik hem had gebeld, zou hij zijn afspraak hebben verzet." (If I had called him, he would have rescheduled his appointment.)


Understanding conditional sentences is essential for expressing possibilities or hypothetical situations in Dutch. By using the appropriate structures and tenses, you can effectively convey different levels of certainty or likelihood. Practice constructing conditional sentences in all three types to strengthen your understanding and fluency in Dutch.

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