Common Pronouns in Swedish
In this lesson, we will focus on understanding and using common Swedish pronouns. Pronouns are important because they allow us to replace nouns and avoid repeating them in our sentences. In Swedish, pronouns are categorized into three main types: subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns.
Subject Pronouns
Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, indicating who or what performs the action. Here are the subject pronouns in Swedish:
- jag - I
- du - you (singular informal)
- han - he
- hon - she
- det - it
- vi - we
- ni - you (plural or formal)
- de - they
Example sentences:
- Jag gillar att läsa. - I like to read.
- Du är en duktig sångare. - You are a good singer.
- Hon äter frukost. - She is eating breakfast.
- Vi spelar fotboll på lördag. - We are playing soccer on Saturday.
- De gick ut och mötte sina vänner. - They went out to meet their friends.
Object Pronouns
Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb, indicating who or what receives the action. Here are the object pronouns in Swedish:
- mig - me
- dig - you (singular)
- honom - him
- henne - her
- det - it
- oss - us
- er - you (plural)
- dem - them
Example sentences:
- Han frågade mig om hjälp. - He asked me for help.
- Jag såg dig på stan idag. - I saw you in town today.
- Vi besökte henne igår. - We visited her yesterday.
- Kan du ge oss en kopp kaffe? - Can you give us a cup of coffee?
- De hörde dem sjunga på konserten. - They heard them sing at the concert.
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. They are used to indicate that something belongs to someone or something. Here are the possessive pronouns in Swedish:
- min - my/mine
- din - your/yours (singular)
- hans - his
- hennes - her/hers
- dess - its
- vår - our/ours
- er - your/yours (plural)
- deras - their/theirs
Example sentences:
- Det är min bok. - It is my book.
- Är det din bil? - Is that your car?
- Hans hus är stort. - His house is big.
- Vi har glömt vår nyckel. - We have forgotten our key.
- Deras hund är väldigt söt. - Their dog is very cute.
Remember, using pronouns correctly is essential for clear and concise communication in Swedish. Practice using them in different sentences to become comfortable differentiating between subject, object, and possessive pronouns. Keep practicing and soon it will become second nature to you!