Noun Gender Agreement in Swedish

In Swedish, nouns are categorized into grammatical genders: common gender (en-words) and neuter gender (ett-words). Understanding noun gender is crucial for correct agreement with articles and adjectives. Let's dive into the concept of noun gender agreement in Swedish.

1. Common Gender (en-words)

Most nouns in Swedish belong to the common gender category. They are typically preceded by the indefinite article "en" and take definite form by adding "-en" or "-n" to the end of the noun.


  • en bok (a book) - den boken (the book)
  • en bil (a car) - den bilen (the car)

2. Neuter Gender (ett-words)

The neuter gender includes nouns that are typically preceded by the indefinite article "ett" and take definite form by adding "-et" or "-t" to the end of the noun.


  • ett hus (a house) - huset (the house)
  • ett barn (a child) - barnet (the child)

3. Exceptions

Not all nouns strictly adhere to the rules of gender agreement. There are a few categories of exceptions to be aware of:

3.1 Nouns with the Same Form in Both Genders

Some nouns have the same form in both common and neuter genders. These nouns are typically occupations and titles, such as "student" or "journalist".


  • en student (a student) - den/det studenten (the student)

3.2 Nouns with Two Different Forms

There are nouns that have two different forms depending on the gender. These nouns often relate to living beings, such as humans and animals. The forms will differ in the definite singular and plural.


  • en pojke (a boy) - pojken (the boy) - pojkar (boys) - pojkerna (the boys)
  • en katt (a cat) - katten (the cat) - katter (cats) - katterna (the cats)

3.3 Compound Nouns

Compound nouns made up of two or more words follow the gender of the rightmost element. If the last word is an en-word, the compound noun will be an en-word. Similarly, if the last word is an ett-word, the compound noun will be an ett-word.


  • en spishäll (a stove top) - spishällen (the stove top)
  • ett skrivbord (a desk) - skrivbordet (the desk)


Understanding noun gender agreement is crucial for mastering Swedish grammar. By recognizing whether a noun belongs to the common gender or neuter gender, you can use the correct articles and adjectives. Be aware of the exceptions, such as nouns with the same form in both genders or nouns with two different forms. With practice and exposure to the language, you will become more confident in applying noun gender agreement in Swedish.

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