Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers
In this lesson, you will learn about the formation and usage of Swedish cardinal and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are used to denote quantity or count, while ordinal numbers are used to denote position or order.
Cardinal Numbers
The cardinal numbers in Swedish are formed using a combination of base numbers and suffixes. Here is a list of the base numbers from 1 to 10:
- ett
- två
- tre
- fyra
- fem
- sex
- sju
- åtta
- nio
- tio
To form numbers larger than 10, simply concatenate the base numbers together:
- 11 = elva (10 + 1)
- 23 = tjugo tre (20 + 3)
- 47 = fyra tio sju (4 * 10 + 7)
Cardinal numbers are used in Swedish for various purposes, such as:
- Counting objects: jag har tre äpplen (I have three apples)
- Telling time: klockan är fem över tolv (it's five past twelve)
- Giving addresses: jag bor på torggatan tolv (I live at 12 Market Street)
Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers in Swedish are formed by adding the suffix "-te" (for numbers ending in 1, 2, 7, 8) or "-nde" (for numbers ending in 3-6, 9, 0) to the cardinal number. Here are some examples:
- 1st = första
- 2nd = andra
- 3rd = tredje
- 4th = fjärde
- 10th = tionde
Ordinal numbers are used in Swedish to express order or position. Here are a few examples of their usage:
- Enumerations: min första, andra och tredje favorit (my first, second and third favorite)
- Dates: den tredje januari (the third of January)
- Street addresses: jag bor på fjärde våningen (I live on the fourth floor)
- Cardinal numbers are used to denote quantity or count.
- Ordinal numbers are used to denote position or order.
- Cardinal numbers in Swedish are formed using base numbers and suffixes.
- Ordinal numbers in Swedish are formed by adding the suffix "-te" or "-nde" to the cardinal number.
Remember that learning numbers and their usage is essential for everyday communication in Swedish. Practice counting and using both cardinal and ordinal numbers in different contexts to become comfortable with their usage.