Numerals in Swedish

Understanding and using numerals (numbers) is essential for everyday communication in any language. In Swedish, numerals are used to denote quantity, rank, time, and many other aspects of daily life. In this guide, we will cover cardinal and ordinal numbers, providing you with the necessary knowledge to count and use numbers in different contexts.

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are used to indicate the quantity or number of something. Here are the cardinal numbers from 0 to 10 in Swedish:

  • 0 = noll
  • 1 = ett
  • 2 = två
  • 3 = tre
  • 4 = fyra
  • 5 = fem
  • 6 = sex
  • 7 = sju
  • 8 = åtta
  • 9 = nio
  • 10 = tio

For numbers greater than 10, you can simply combine the words for the digits to form the desired number. For example:

  • 11 = elva (10 + 1)
  • 15 = femton (5 + 10)
  • 23 = tjugo-tre (20 + 3)

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the order or sequence of something. They are formed by adding the suffix -te or -nde to the cardinal numbers. Here are the ordinal numbers for the first eleven numbers in Swedish:

  • 1 = första
  • 2 = andra
  • 3 = tredje
  • 4 = fjärde
  • 5 = femte
  • 6 = sjätte
  • 7 = sjunde
  • 8 = åttonde
  • 9 = nionde
  • 10 = tionde
  • 11 = elfte

Ordinal numbers are commonly used when expressing dates, describing positions, or indicating a specific order.

Counting and Using Numbers

To count beyond 10, you simply combine the words for the tens and units. Here are the words for the tens in Swedish:

  • 20 = tjugo
  • 30 = trettio
  • 40 = fyrtio
  • 50 = femtio
  • 60 = sextio
  • 70 = sjuttio
  • 80 = åttio
  • 90 = nittio

To form numbers above 20, combine the tens with the units using a hyphen. For example:

  • 21 = tjugoett
  • 36 = trettiosex
  • 49 = fyrtionio
  • 56 = femti-sex

When using numbers in sentences, it is important to remember the correct word order in Swedish. In most cases, the number comes before the noun:

  • Jag har tre katter. (I have three cats.)
  • Vi såg tio filmer igår. (We watched ten movies yesterday.)
  • Han är den fjärde gästen. (He is the fourth guest.)


In this guide, we have covered cardinal and ordinal numbers in Swedish. You have learned how to count from 0 to 10, form numbers beyond 10, and use ordinal numbers in different contexts. Remember to practice using numbers in everyday situations to reinforce your understanding.

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