Prepositions in Swedish
Prepositions are an essential part of any language, including Swedish. They help establish relationships between different words in a sentence. In this guide, we will learn about some common Swedish prepositions and their correct usage.
Common Swedish Prepositions
Here are some frequently used prepositions in Swedish:
- till - to
- från - from
- i - in, at
- på - on, upon
- över - over, above
- under - under, below
- bredvid - beside, next to
- mellan - between, among
- genom - through, by means of
- för - for, to, in order to
Preposition + Noun Constructions
In Swedish, prepositions are followed by nouns or pronouns. The combination of a preposition and a noun creates a prepositional phrase.
To form a prepositional phrase, follow these rules:
- Place the preposition before the noun: [Preposition] + [Noun].
- Use the definite form of the noun if it is specific (e.g., the cat) or the indefinite form if it is general (e.g., a cat).
Let's see some examples:
- Jag åker till Sverige. (I'm going to Sweden.)
- Han kommer från USA. (He comes from the USA.)
- Boken ligger på bordet. (The book is on the table.)
- Vi går över bron. (We are walking over the bridge.)
- Katten sover under sängen. (The cat is sleeping under the bed.)
Other Usage Notes
Time expressions:
When talking about time, the preposition i is commonly used. For example:
- Vi träffas i morgon. (We'll meet tomorrow.)
- Julen är i december. (Christmas is in December.)
Special prepositions:
The preposition till is used to express direction or purpose, similar to the English word "to".
- Jag reser till Stockholm. (I'm traveling to Stockholm.)
- Jag ger presenten till dig. (I'm giving the present to you.)
The preposition på is used in various ways, such as indicating location, time, or manner.
- Jag står på tåget. (I'm on the train.)
- Jag möter dig på torsdag. (I'll meet you on Thursday.)
- Vi reser på svenska. (We're speaking in Swedish.)
Understanding prepositions and their correct usage is crucial for mastering Swedish. In this guide, we covered common Swedish prepositions and how to use them in preposition + noun constructions. Remember to pay attention to the noun forms and the specific prepositions used in different contexts. With practice, you will become more confident in using Swedish prepositions effectively. Lycka till! (Good luck!)