Basic Conjunctions in Swedish

In Swedish, conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or clauses together to form compound sentences. They help to establish relationships between ideas and make the overall flow of the sentence smoother. In this guide, we will focus on some basic conjunctions that you can use to connect sentences in Swedish.

1. Och (And)

The conjunction "och" is used to join two sentences or phrases together when the meaning is additive or when the ideas in the sentences are related.


  • Jag gillar att läsa böcker, och hon älskar att se på film. (I like to read books, and she loves to watch movies.)

2. Men (But)

The conjunction "men" is used to indicate contrast or opposition between two ideas in separate sentences or phrases.


  • Jag ville gå ut, men det regnade. (I wanted to go out, but it was raining.)

3. Eller (Or)

The conjunction "eller" is used to present a choice or alternative between two options.


  • Vill du ha te eller kaffe? (Do you want tea or coffee?)

4. För (Because)

The conjunction "för" is used to explain the reason or cause for something.


  • Jag åkte hem tidigt för att jag var trött. (I went home early because I was tired.)

5. Så (So)

The conjunction "så" is used to express a consequence or result of something mentioned in the previous sentence.


  • Han missade bussen, han kom försent till mötet. (He missed the bus, so he arrived late to the meeting.)

6. Men (However)

The conjunction "men" can also be used to introduce a new contrasting idea or to present an exception to a previous statement.


  • Hon är vanligtvis snäll, men ibland kan hon vara otrevlig. (She is usually nice, but sometimes she can be unpleasant.)

7. Eftersom (Since)

The conjunction "eftersom" is used to provide a reason or explanation for something mentioned in the previous sentence.


  • Jag stannade hemma idag eftersom jag är sjuk. (I stayed home today since I am sick.)

8. Ändå (Nevertheless)

The conjunction "ändå" is used to introduce a statement or idea that contrasts with or goes against the previous sentence.


  • Han studerade mycket inför tentamen, men han klarade den inte ändå. (He studied a lot for the exam, but he still didn't pass it.)

9. Därför att (Because)

The conjunction "därför att" is used to explain the reason or cause for something mentioned in the previous sentence.


  • Hon kunde inte komma på festen därför att hon hade andra planer. (She couldn't come to the party because she had other plans.)

These are some of the basic conjunctions in Swedish that will help you form compound sentences and connect ideas smoothly. Practice using them to enhance your Swedish language skills.

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