Introduction to Pronouns: Understand and correctly use personal pronouns in the nominative case.

In this lesson, we will focus on personal pronouns in the nominative case in the German language. Personal pronouns are words that replace nouns in a sentence, allowing us to avoid repetition. Mastering personal pronouns is essential for clear and concise communication in German.

Nominative Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns in the nominative case are used as the subject of a sentence or clause. They indicate who or what is performing the action. Here are the nominative personal pronouns in German:

  • I: ich
  • You (singular, informal): du
  • He: er
  • She: sie
  • It: es
  • We: wir
  • You (plural, formal/informal): ihr
  • They: sie (referring to a group of people) or es (referring to a group of things)

Usage of Nominative Personal Pronouns

To correctly use nominative personal pronouns in German, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use "ich" when referring to yourself as the subject of the sentence. For example: "Ich gehe zur Schule." (I am going to school.)

  2. Use "du" when addressing someone informally, such as a friend or family member. For example: "Du bist sehr nett." (You are very nice.)

  3. Use "er" when referring to a male subject. For example: "Er heißt Paul." (He is called Paul.)

  4. Use "sie" when referring to a female subject. For example: "Sie kommt aus Frankreich." (She is from France.)

  5. Use "es" when referring to a non-living or gender-neutral subject. For example: "Es regnet heute." (It is raining today.)

  6. Use "wir" when referring to yourself and others as the subject. For example: "Wir gehen ins Kino." (We are going to the cinema.)

  7. Use "ihr" when addressing a group of people informally. For example: "Ihr seid meine besten Freunde." (You are my best friends.)

  8. Use "sie" when referring to a group of people performing the action. For example: "Sie sprechen Deutsch." (They speak German.)


Personal pronouns in the nominative case are essential for clear communication in German. Remember the following key points:

  • Use "ich" for yourself as the subject.
  • Use "du" for addressing someone informally.
  • Use "er" for a male subject.
  • Use "sie" for a female subject.
  • Use "es" for non-living or gender-neutral subjects.
  • Use "wir" for yourself and others as the subject.
  • Use "ihr" for addressing a group of people informally.
  • Use "sie" for referring to a group of people performing the action.

With this understanding of personal pronouns in the nominative case, you can now express yourself more effectively in German. Keep practicing to build your fluency!

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