Question Words in German

In this guide, we will cover the most common question words used in the German language. Question words are essential for asking for information and gaining a better understanding in conversations. By learning these question words, you will be able to ask questions confidently and effectively.

1. What - Was

The question word "was" is used to ask about things or objects.


  • "What is your name?" - "Was ist dein Name?"

2. Who - Wer

The question word "wer" is used to ask about people or someone's identity.


  • "Who is your teacher?" - "Wer ist dein Lehrer?"

3. Where - Wo

The question word "wo" is used to ask about a place or location.


  • "Where is the train station?" - "Wo ist der Bahnhof?"

4. When - Wann

The question word "wann" is used to ask about time or when something will happen.


  • "When is the concert?" - "Wann ist das Konzert?"

5. Why - Warum

The question word "warum" is used to ask about the reason or cause of something.


  • "Why are you late?" - "Warum bist du spät dran?"

6. How - Wie

The question word "wie" is used to ask about the manner or way in which something is done.


  • "How did you learn German?" - "Wie hast du Deutsch gelernt?"

7. How much/many - Wie viel/Wie viele

The question words "wie viel" and "wie viele" are used to ask about quantity or amount.


  • "How much does it cost?" - "Wie viel kostet es?"
  • "How many siblings do you have?" - "Wie viele Geschwister hast du?"

8. Which - Welcher/Welche/Welches

The question words "welcher," "welche," and "welches" are used to ask about a specific choice or option.


  • "Which book do you recommend?" - "Welches Buch empfiehlst du?"

9. Whose - Wessen

The question word "wessen" is used to ask about possession or ownership.


  • "Whose pen is this?" - "Wessen Kugelschreiber ist das?"

10. How long - Wie lange

The question words "wie lange" are used to ask about the duration of time.


  • "How long have you been studying German?" - "Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch?"


With these common question words, you will be able to confidently ask for information and engage in conversations in German. Remember to pay attention to gender and case agreements when using question words in sentences. Practice using these question words to enhance your language skills and become a better communicator in German.

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