Modal verbs
Modal verbs are an essential part of the German language and are used to express various meanings such as ability, willingness, necessity, permission, and obligation. In German, there are five main modal verbs: "können" (can), "wollen" (want), "müssen" (must), "dürfen" (may), and "sollen" (shall/should).
In this guide, we will learn how to use these modal verbs in different contexts and understand their implications. Let's dive in!
Können (can)
The modal verb "können" is used to express ability or possibility. It indicates that someone is capable of doing something or that something is possible.
To conjugate "können," you simply remove the -en ending from the infinitive form and add the appropriate endings depending on the subject pronoun.
- Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. - I can speak German.
- Du kannst gut schwimmen. - You can swim well.
- Er kann morgen kommen. - He can come tomorrow.
Expressing ability:
- Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. (I can speak German.)
- Sie kann Klavier spielen. (She can play the piano.)
Asking for permission:
- Kann ich das Fenster öffnen? (Can I open the window?)
- Kannst du mir helfen? (Can you help me?)
Making requests:
- Kannst du bitte das Licht anschalten? (Can you please turn on the light?)
- Kann ich bitte einen Kaffee haben? (Can I please have a coffee?)
Wollen (want)
The modal verb "wollen" is used to express willingness or to indicate a desire or intention.
To conjugate "wollen," you remove the -en ending from the infinitive form and add the appropriate endings depending on the subject pronoun.
- Ich will heute Abend ins Kino gehen. - I want to go to the cinema tonight.
- Sie will Deutsch lernen. - She wants to learn German.
- Wir wollen morgen einkaufen gehen. - We want to go shopping tomorrow.
Expressing intentions:
- Ich will morgen mit dem Zug nach Berlin fahren. (I want to travel to Berlin by train tomorrow.)
- Er will ein neues Auto kaufen. (He wants to buy a new car.)
Expressing desires:
- Ich will viel Geld verdienen. (I want to earn a lot of money.)
- Sie will im Ausland arbeiten. (She wants to work abroad.)
Müssen (must)
The modal verb "müssen" is used to express necessity or obligation. It indicates that something is required or must be done.
To conjugate "müssen," you remove the -en ending from the infinitive form and add the appropriate endings depending on the subject pronoun.
- Wir müssen früh aufstehen. - We must wake up early.
- Du musst die Hausaufgaben machen. - You must do the homework.
- Sie müssen pünktlich zum Meeting kommen. - They must come to the meeting on time.
Expressing obligations:
- Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen. (I must go to work.)
- Wir müssen die Rechnungen bezahlen. (We must pay the bills.)
Giving instructions or orders:
- Du musst hier warten. (You must wait here.)
- Sie müssen das Formular ausfüllen. (You must fill out the form.)
Dürfen (may)
The modal verb "dürfen" is used to express permission or to indicate what is allowed or not allowed.
To conjugate "dürfen," you replace the -en ending from the infinitive form with the appropriate endings depending on the subject pronoun.
- Ich darf heute früher nach Hause gehen. - I may go home early today.
- Du darfst das nicht machen. - You may not do that.
- Er darf hier nicht parken. - He may not park here.
Asking for permission:
- Darf ich das Buch ausleihen? (May I borrow the book?)
- Darf ich das Fenster öffnen? (May I open the window?)
Expressing permissions or prohibitions:
- Du darfst hier nicht rauchen. (You may not smoke here.)
- Kinder dürfen nicht alleine fahren. (Children may not travel alone.)
Sollen (shall/should)
The modal verb "sollen" is used to express recommendations, advice, or suggestions. It indicates what someone should or ought to do.
To conjugate "sollen," you replace the -en ending from the infinitive form with the appropriate endings depending on the subject pronoun.
- Ich soll das Buch für dich mitbringen. - I should bring the book for you.
- Du sollst pünktlich zum Meeting kommen. - You should come to the meeting on time.
- Sie sollen sich bei ihm entschuldigen. - They should apologize to him.
Giving recommendations:
- Du solltest mehr Sport treiben. (You should do more sports.)
- Er soll einen Arzt aufsuchen. (He should see a doctor.)
Expressing obligations or duties:
- Eltern sollen ihren Kindern helfen. (Parents should help their children.)
- Die Schüler sollen ihre Hausaufgaben machen. (The students should do their homework.)
Congratulations! You have learned how to use modal verbs in German to express ability, willingness, necessity, permission, and obligation. Keep practicing and incorporating these verbs into your conversations to become more fluent in German.