Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns

Reflexive verbs are used when the subject of the verb is also the object of the action. In other words, the subject is performing the action on themselves. In Spanish, reflexive verbs are formed by adding a reflexive pronoun to the infinitive verb.

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves. The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are:

  • me - myself
  • te - yourself (informal singular)
  • se - himself/herself/itself/yourself (formal singular)
  • nos - ourselves
  • os - yourselves (informal plural)
  • se - themselves/yourselves (formal plural)

Using Reflexive Verbs

To form a reflexive verb in Spanish, follow these steps:

  1. Start with the infinitive form of the verb.
  2. Add the appropriate reflexive pronoun before the verb.
  3. Conjugate the verb according to the subject.

For example, let's take the verb "dormir" (to sleep) and make it reflexive:

  • "I sleep" - duermo
  • "I sleep (myself)" - me duermo

Common Reflexive Verbs

Here are some common reflexive verbs in Spanish:

  • levantarse - to get up
  • bañarse - to take a bath
  • lavarse - to wash oneself
  • vestirse - to get dressed
  • acostarse - to go to bed
  • peinarse - to comb one's hair
  • maquillarse - to put on makeup

Placement of Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns can be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of an infinitive verb. Here are the two options:

  1. Before the conjugated verb:

    • "I brush my teeth" - Yo me cepillo los dientes
    • "He washes his hands" - Él se lava las manos
  2. Attached to the end of the infinitive verb:

    • "I want to brush my teeth" - Quiero cepillarme los dientes
    • "He needs to wash his hands" - Necesita lavarse las manos

Pronoun Placement with Commands

When using reflexive pronouns with commands, the pronoun is attached to the end of the command verb. However, if the command is negative, the pronoun is placed before the command verb.

  • Positive command: "Brush your teeth!" - ¡Cepíllate los dientes!
  • Negative command: "Don't wash your hands!" - ¡No te laves las manos!


By using reflexive verbs and pronouns, you can express actions done by the subject to themselves. Remember to correctly conjugate the verb and place the reflexive pronoun according to the sentence structure. With practice, you will become comfortable with using reflexive verbs in your Spanish conversations. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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