Possessive Adjectives


Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership or possession. In Spanish, they agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Possessive adjectives function similarly to possessive pronouns, but they are used before the noun.


Possessive adjectives are used to express possession or ownership. They are placed before a noun to indicate that something belongs to someone. They answer the question "Whose?" In English, we use words like "my," "your," "his," "her," etc. Here's a breakdown of possessive adjectives in Spanish:

  1. Singular Possessive Adjectives:

    • mi - my
    • tu - your (singular informal)
    • su - his/her/your (singular formal)
  2. Plural Possessive Adjectives:

    • nuestro/a - our
    • vuestro/a - your (plural informal)
    • su - their/your (plural formal)


Possessive adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they accompany. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Singular Agreement:

    • Masculine noun: mi libro (my book), tu perro (your dog), su casa (his/her/your house)
    • Feminine noun: mi casa (my house), tu amiga (your friend), su gata (his/her/your cat)
  2. Plural Agreement:

    • Masculine noun: nuestros libros (our books), vuestros perros (your dogs), sus coches (their/your cars)
    • Feminine noun: nuestras casas (our houses), vuestras amigas (your friends), sus gatas (their/your cats)


  1. María es mi amiga. (María is my friend.)
  2. ¿Dónde está tu bolígrafo? (Where is your pen?)
  3. El profesor enseña en su universidad. (The professor teaches at his/her/your university.)
  4. Vamos a salir con nuestros amigos. (We are going out with our friends.)
  5. Vuestro coche es muy rápido. (Your car is very fast.)
  6. Sus gafas están sobre la mesa. (Their/Your glasses are on the table.)

Remember, possessive adjectives indicate possession or ownership. They must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify, so pay attention to the gender and plurality of the nouns in your sentences. With practice, you'll become proficient in using possessive adjectives and expressing ownership in Spanish!

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