Negative Statements in Spanish

In this guide, you will learn how to form negative sentences in Spanish. Negative statements are used to express negation or denial. Just like in English, you can use negation words to form negative sentences in Spanish. Let's dive into the details!

Using "no" to Create Negative Statements

The most basic and common way to create a negative statement in Spanish is by using the word "no" before the verb. Here's how:

  1. Place the word "no" before the conjugated verb.

     - No quiero ir al cine. (I don't want to go to the cinema.)
     - No tengo tiempo. (I don't have time.)
  2. If the verb is preceded by an auxiliary verb, place "no" before the auxiliary verb.

     - No he visto la película. (I haven't seen the movie.)
     - No puedo nadar. (I can't swim.)

Using Other Negative Words

Apart from "no," you can also use other negative words to create negative statements. These words are typically used in specific contexts or with specific verbs. Let's look at some common ones:

  1. Nadie - "Nobody" or "anybody"

     - No conozco a nadie en esta fiesta. (I don't know anybody at this party.)
     - Nadie quiere ir al parque hoy. (Nobody wants to go to the park today.)
  2. Nada - "Nothing" or "anything"

     - No hay nada que hacer aquí. (There's nothing to do here.)
     - No quiero comer nada. (I don't want to eat anything.)
  3. Nunca - "Never" or "ever"

     - Mi hermano nunca viene temprano. (My brother never comes early.)
     - Nunca he estado en ese lugar. (I've never been to that place.)
  4. Tampoco - "Neither" or "either"

     - No me gusta el café, y tú tampoco. (I don't like coffee, and neither do you.)
     - Ella no sabe bailar, y yo tampoco. (She doesn't know how to dance, and neither do I.)

It's important to note that when using these negative words, you can still use the word "no" if you want to emphasize the negation even more.

Placement of Negative Words

In Spanish, negative words are usually placed before the conjugated verb. However, there are some exceptions to this rule:

  • Infinitive Verb: If the negative word is used with an infinitive verb, it comes before the infinitive.

      - No quiero saludar a nadie. (I don't want to greet anyone.)
      - No puedo ver nada. (I can't see anything.)
  • Present Participle: If the negative word is used with the present participle, it comes before the participle.

      - No estoy haciendo nada. (I'm not doing anything.)
      - No estoy viendo a nadie. (I'm not seeing anyone.)


To create negative statements in Spanish:

  1. Use "no" before the conjugated verb.
  2. Use other negative words like "nadie," "nada," "nunca," and "tampoco" to add emphasis.
  3. Place the negative words before the verb, unless using an infinitive verb or present participle.

By mastering negative statements, you'll be able to express negation and denial in Spanish with ease. Practice using these structures in conversations and written exercises to solidify your understanding. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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