Reflexive Verbs and Reciprocal Action Expressions

In Portuguese, reflexive verbs are used to express actions performed by the subject on oneself. These verbs are formed by adding the reflexive pronouns: "me" (myself), "te" (yourself), "se" (himself/herself/itself/yourself), "nos" (ourselves), "vos" (yourselves), or "se" (themselves/yourselves) before the verb.

For example:

  • "Eu me chamo João." (I call myself João.)
  • "Você se levanta cedo." (You wake up early yourself.)
  • "Ela se veste de maneira elegante." (She dresses herself elegantly.)
  • "Nós nos divertimos muito na festa." (We had a lot of fun at the party.)
  • "Vocês se cuidam bem." (You take care of yourselves well.)
  • "Eles se conhecem desde a infância." (They have known each other since childhood.)

Reflexive Pronouns

Here is the list of reflexive pronouns in Portuguese:

  • eu (me) - myself
  • tu (te) - yourself
  • ele/ela/você (se) - himself/herself/itself/yourself
  • nós (nos) - ourselves
  • vós (vos) - yourselves
  • eles/elas/vocês (se) - themselves/yourselves

Note that the use of "vós" as a subject pronoun is outdated and uncommon in contemporary Portuguese. Instead, "vocês" is used to address both formal and informal situations.

When to Use Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs are typically used to describe actions that are done to oneself or reciprocal actions between multiple individuals. Here are a few common scenarios where reflexive verbs are used in Portuguese:

  1. Daily routines: Describing actions related to personal routines and habits.

    • "Eu me levanto às seis da manhã." (I wake up at 6 a.m.)
    • "Eles se alimentam bem." (They eat well.)
  2. Personal care: Describing actions related to personal grooming and self-care.

    • "Ela se penteia antes de sair de casa." (She brushes her hair before leaving home.)
    • "Nós nos lavamos as mãos antes de comer." (We wash our hands before eating.)
  3. Emotions and sensations: Describing how someone feels or reacts to something.

    • "Você se sente feliz quando está perto da família?" (Do you feel happy when you are near your family?)
    • "Eu me assusto facilmente com filmes de terror." (I easily get scared by horror movies.)

Reciprocal Action Expressions

In addition to reflexive verbs, Portuguese also has reciprocal action expressions to describe actions that involve mutual or reciprocal actions between two or more individuals. These expressions are formed by using the pronoun "se" followed by the plural form of the verb.

For example:

  • "Eles se abraçaram." (They hugged each other.)
  • "Nós nos encontramos no parque." (We met each other at the park.)


  • Reflexive verbs in Portuguese are formed by adding reflexive pronouns before the verb to express actions performed by the subject on oneself.
  • Reflexive pronouns are: "me", "te", "se", "nos", "vos", "se".
  • Reflexive verbs are used in daily routines, personal care, and expressing emotions and sensations.
  • Reciprocal action expressions involve mutual or reciprocal actions between multiple individuals and are formed using the pronoun "se" followed by the plural form of the verb.

Remember that practice is key to mastering reflexive verbs and reciprocal action expressions in Portuguese. Keep using them in context and you'll become more comfortable with their usage over time.

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