Mastering French: Using 'd'autres' Instead of 'de chose'

If you're learning French, making the shift from "de chose" to "d'autres choses" is crucial for speaking correctly and fluently. This guide is here to clarify this common mistake and guide you on how to use "d'autres" properly in your French conversations. Read on to avoid errors and boost your French skills effectively!

Understanding the Mistake

The Common Error

One of the common errors for French learners is replacing "et beaucoup d'autres choses" with "et beaucoup plus de chose". The latter is not only incorrect but also goes against the grammatical structure of the French language. Understanding why this is wrong is step number one in mastering the use of "d'autres".

Grammatical Insight

In French, "de" means "of" and can lead to some confusion when constructing phrases. When speaking about "many other things", it's tempting to use "de chose" because it closely resembles the English structure. However, this loses the particular nuance that "d'autres" provides and can make your speech sound odd.

Why 'd'autres'?

The Correct Phrase

The correct French talk is "et beaucoup d'autres choses", which translates to "and many other things". This expression not only sounds correct to native ears but also aligns with the rules of French grammar.

Dissecting 'd'autres'

Let's break down the phrase "d'autres":

  • D': This is a contraction of "de" and "autres", which usually occurs because the following word starts with a vowel. This contraction is just a normal part of making French flow better.
  • Autres: Means "other" or "others". It is crucial for emphasizing something is additional or different from the mentioned nouns.

How to Use 'd'autres'

General Rule

When you want to say "many other" or "many others", use "beaucoup d'autres" followed by the noun you're describing. This clarifies that you're referring to additional or different entities compared to what you've already mentioned.

Examples in Sentences

To add context, let's look at how to use "d'autres" properly in sentences:

  • Beaucoup d'autres idées: This means "many other ideas". Use this phrase when discussing additional ideas beyond those you've already discussed.
  • Beaucoup d'autres personnes: This translates to "many other people". Handy for when you're talking about more people beyond a specific group already mentioned.
  • Beaucoup d'autres livres: Means "many other books". Useful when you're referring to additional books from a list you’re discussing.

Correcting Common Mistakes

Mistake 1: Using Singular Form

  • Incorrect: Beaucoup de chose
  • Correct: Beaucoup d'autres choses

Singular forms like "de chose" don't capture the multiplicity implied. Always use "d'autres" with the plural noun form to indicate "many other things".

Mistake 2: Omitting 'd'' in Contractions

  • Incorrect: Beaucoup de autres idées
  • Correct: Beaucoup d'autres idées

Always use the contraction "d'" before "autres" to maintain grammatical correctness and fluidity in speech.

Mistake 3: Misusing 'autre' Without 'beaucoup'

  • Incorrect: De autres idées
  • Correct: Beaucoup d'autres idées

Ensure "beaucoup" precedes "d'autres" to correctly express "many other" in the appropriate context.

Enhancing Your Conversations

Polishing Your Phrases

Using "d'autres" effectively not only corrects your grammar but can also refine your conversation skills. By adding "d'autres" to your expressions, you enrich your dialogue with more sophisticated sentence structures that demonstrate a deeper understanding of French.

Expanding Beyond 'Choses'

While we've heavily used "choses" (things) for clarity, remember that "d'autres" can follow a variety of nouns. This flexibility makes it an essential tool for expressing myriad ideas, objects, and concepts across different conversations.

  • Beaucoup d'autres exemples: Many other examples
  • Beaucoup d'autres plats: Many other dishes
  • Beaucoup d'autres solutions: Many other solutions


In mastering French, correct usage of phrases like "d'autres" is critical. Avoid the temptation to simplify to English-like structures—French has its unique grammar rules like using "d'autres" effectively. Use this guide as a reference to form sentences correctly and to significantly improve your French learning journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Use "et beaucoup d'autres choses" instead of "et beaucoup plus de chose".
  • "D'autres" is a contraction of "de" and "autres", used to express "many other" or "many others".
  • Follow "d'autres" with plural nouns.
  • Correct mistakes by ensuring contractions are used and by employing "beaucoup" for context.

Keep these pointers in mind, and you'll soon find you're speaking French with increased confidence and clarity!

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